多样性 & 包容

From our inception based on access, 平等, 和机会, Chatham has been inspired to respect and promote diversity and inclusion amongst our community members. 我们提供学术, 个人, 社会, and cultural support to students to promote an environment that understands and embraces multiculturalism, including culturally rich experiences through events and programs on campus and within the Pittsburgh community.
Photo of a Chatham University student standing at the top of outdoor stairs on 足球波胆平台, looking away from the camera

Chatham's Commitment to Addressing Structural In平等

While our community strives to live up to Chatham’s core value of 多样性 & 包容, we recognize that Chatham, 就像我们的国家, still has a great deal of work to do in helping to build a more just and inclusive society. 

Photo of three Chatham University students sitting outside on a bench laughing and smiling together.

Office of 多样性, Equity & 包容

The Office of 多样性, Equity & 包容 (DEI) leads efforts to build and sustain a diverse and culturally vibrant campus, which promotes intercultural multicultural 教育 as well as student success and retention. Office of 多样性, Equity & 包容 embraces a 社会 justice and intersectional identity approach to its diversity, 股本, 包容工作.

了解DEI : Checkerboard 2 - Office of 多样性, Equity & 包容
Photo of a group of Chatham University students sitting around a study table at Jennie King Mellon Library smiling and studying together.

Office of Accessibility & 学术资源

The Office of Accessibility & 学术资源 (OAAR) at Chatham University offers a wide array of academic and disability support services for the entire Chatham student population, including tutoring; disability accommodations; study and scheduling help; and more.

了解OAAR : Checkerboard 3 - Office of Accessibility & 学术资源
Decorative image comprised of twelve religious symbols in a grid

Chatham Worldview Network

This community of faith-based campus liaisons helps connect students with religious and spiritual resources in the greater Pittsburgh area. Members of this network attend Chatham's involvement fair each semester and often meet with students on campus for spiritual support.

Download the Brochure (PDF) : Checkerboard 4 - Chatham Worldview Network
Photo of BIPOC students wearing masks, attending the RISE retreat

RISE Retreat for Students of Color

The RISE Retreat provides Chatham students of color with an opportunity for group mentorship, 社区建设, 身份的发展, and creating a network of BIPOC students and staff at the university. The retreat will take place on August 19-20, 2024. Any student of color at Chatham is encouraged to register by the August 5th deadline. 

提交注册 : Checkerboard 5 - RISE Retreat for Students of Color
Photo of three female Chatham University walking to class on 足球波胆平台 during the spring, with green trees on colorful blossoms.

女性领导 & 性别平等

Chatham University’s commitment to community engagement and 教育 is exemplified by our 中心, which work to promote leadership and gender 股本 in a variety of arenas. Many of our programs in women's leadership and gender 股本 are open to the public.

了解中心 : Checkerboard 6 - 女性领导 & 性别平等
Photo of a young Black woman smiling in Chatham University's Anderson 餐厅 Hall

多样性 & 加入理事会

The 多样性 and 加入理事会 is a university-wide committee comprised of faculty, 教职员及学生. The council empowers Chatham to build a diverse and inclusive community through strategic planning, 对话, 教育, 研究, 自我反省, 和参与.

Learn About the Council : Checkerboard 7 - 多样性 & 加入理事会

多样性 & 包容